
The year that was - the same

Monday, December 27, 2021

Pausing to reflect on the year past is a tradition as New Year marks the beginning of a new phase.

For too many, we share the same history for 2021. A year spent staying safe and avoiding crowds, friends, and family. A very necessary anti-social year to be safe and healthy.

It has been difficult trying to know who to listen to - the media, the medical experts, the Government, or a friend. Trust your common sense, wear your

   mask, and stay away from crowds. Distancing is

      not back-to-back but face to face. It does not

       matter if you are vaccinated or not, both

        could be carriers.

The Holiday Season has been different for the second year in a row and we all should do our best to enjoy the company of family and friends. Just use your common sense.

The pandemic continues to affect all of us. Planned RHS’69 events have been cancelled - no Karaoke, no Dances, no Holiday functions. Harold and Robin Yafuso just postponed our April multi-school Karaoke…again…to the second half of 2022. We can only hope that date will work this time.

A good thing is UH Sports opening to the fans, but with limited attendance. The Honolulu Marathon happened, but no foreign participation. We finally went to our first UH Wahine Volleyball and thank you, Sandy Nishimoto, and Veda Shimizu for coordinating the ticket purchases.  

We did squeeze in one gathering in 2021: 38 of us went to Littles Joe’s Steakhouse to celebrate the first get together as a group. Thank you Dayle Hoopai for organizing it.

Life did not shut down for many of us. A few took the chance and visited far, faraway places. Wes Mukawa went to Las Vegas four times and did well three of them. He is beating the odds in more ways then one.

Nellis and Clyde Kunieda

spent two weeks in

September visiting all

the National Parks.

Dana and Roy

Kobashigawa went

to see their beloved

LV Raiders three

times, in Vegas.

Donna and Bryan Miller made two separate road trips, first to the Southeast and then throughout the Southwest. Maybe they will do the Northeast next year.


Josie and Art Akana are in Portland right now. Sad to say they had their Budapest River Cruise and the Black Sea Cruise cancelled. Robin and Rudi Yafuso are enjoying their Christmas Holiday in New York City.

Ben and Laverne Flores did go back to their second home in Las Vegas and Ben, took a side fishing trip to Alaska. John Takara was also in Alaska, fishing and visiting the black flies  in August.

If you were keeping up with this website you’ll know Alan and Sandy Nishimoto and Wendy and I had a

   wonderful time cruising

      throughout the

     Mediterranean and four

     days in Rome.

      Check out the Blog.

Then 28 of us went to see UH vs UNLV football at the new Las Vegas Allegiant Stadium in November. Nine Thousand Hawaii Fans showed up, too bad UH lost!

Sorry for Chris and Bobby Imoto because their Tomodachi Japan trip was postponed, I forgot how many times!

We continue to miss Japan, a lot.

Family and Friends is what drives us to look forward to the challenges set before us each day. We had a taste of it in 2021. We could not gather, events were cancelled.

There was no reason to dine at your favorite restaurant without a family or friend across the table.

Even traveling to faraway places to make new friends, so they would tell us their culture and places to go and see. Everywhere you go they would unearth a forgotten dwelling, display an old painting, have you read a document written centuries ago. Even show broken pots and tattered clothes worn in past. Not only from the rich but also the commoners.  We today made them famous by remembering them.

It is not the clothes you have, the dwelling that houses you, or the type of vehicle that gets you there, nor how well you feast. Without Family and Friends all your possession would sit and collect dust and eventually be forgotten.

Friends may be one of the most important relationships one can have. They see us through the hard times and share the happy ones. They, simply, are always there. 2021 gave us a taste of it missing. It is your Family and your Friends that makes you look good. Remember them as this year comes to an end.

No one really knows what lies ahead in 2022 as the pandemic continues to rage throughout the world. All we can do is our best to take care of ourselves, our family and our friends. Be thankful for what we have and soldier on, as they say.

May you all have a wonderful Christmas Holiday and a Happy New Year!

Same old, same old. Or Same ol' same ol' if you prefer. Ground Hog day. See the movie? The guy wakes up and every day is a repeat. Same ol', same ol'.

RHS'69 Reunion Committee chair Vincent Yim tradionally wraps up a busy year of RHS'69 events. Not this year and not last either. Same ol' same ol'.

Bobby Imoto - Kalani '69